As my film is going to be of the action genre, I spent much of my time watching movie trailers such as Bourne Identidy, Shooter and Mission Impossible. These films contain the conventions and features which I would like to include in my film trailer. They also contain scenes and features which included in all action films. I could use some of these features to create a high quality teaser trailer.
Bourne identidy is based very loosely on Robert Ludlum's novel, the Bourne Identity is the story of a man whose wounded body is discovered by fishermen who nurse him back to health. He can remember nothing and begins to try to rebuild his memory based on clues such as the Swiss bank account, the number of which, is implanted in his hip. He soon realizes that he is being hunted and takes off with Marie on a search to find out who he is and why he is being hunted.
During the film and trailer there are several fight scenes. To make to fight scene seem more realistic the camera is handheld and is allowed to move around alot, which often produces a blurred image like this. The fast camera cuts and editing makes it seem like there is a struggle taken place, which there is. I will use this in my film trailer, as my main character will be in a lot of fight scenes or maybe one fight seen which is reoccuring throughout the trailer.
Nearly all action films contain an attractive female
which the main character shows affection for.
In Bourne Identidy, Jason Bourne has a girl-friend
called Marie. Most action films contain this feature
to show that the hero has a soft, emotional side.
This often displayed when the villain often threatens to
harm the female character. In the second Bourne flim
Marie gets shot by Bourne's nemesis. My flim will contain a female of which the main character has fallen for. To fill in the stereotypical role which most actipon films contain.
As most action films have the stereotypical "hard man" as their main character character. As well as making him fight and shoot weapons and other masculine things, there are several techniques such as editing and camera angles which can demonstrate the masculinity that the main character has. There is a medium shot which is of the main character walking away in slow motion. This gives him a sense of power and masculinity. The sun glasses creates a mood of anonymity and professionalism. I will use this shot to give these traits to my character so the audience can understand what type of character he is.
It will be used in my trailer to show the realisation of danger and that he needs to react.

Mission Impossible
This is a medium close up of the main character Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) holding a gun and aiming down the sight at somebody or something. He has a look of stress on his face which shows that it is a serious situation he is involved in, and the fact that there's a gun makes the audience think that it is a dangerous situation. I will use this shot to show the seriousness of the situation, and it gives us a point of view from the person whos having the gun pointed at them.